Troops, scouts and a seagull parade in pouring rain for King and Queen

Young Scouts and military personnel were drenched as they marched in front of the royal couple who were also enduring the unpleasant weather.
2024-07-15 22:08:27

New portrait of King released for Armed Forces Day

The monarch is pictured wearing his dress uniform, as the Queen pays tribute to service personnel.
2024-06-29 03:06:35

Harry plays sit-down volleyball on Nigeria visit

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been welcomed by a charity which helps service personnel in Nigeria.
2024-05-11 16:08:21

China suspected of UK armed forces payroll hack

The details of serving Army, RAF and Navy personnel are involved, the BBC understands.
2024-05-07 09:09:13

UK armed forces' personal data accessed in hack

The details of serving Army, RAF and Navy personnel are involved, the BBC understands.
2024-05-06 23:07:00

ISW: Russia censoring relatives of mobilized personnel on social media

Post Content
2023-12-04 07:09:34

Ukraine war: Putin to boost Russian troop numbers by 15%

Russia's president signs a decree aimed at increasing numbers of serving military personnel by 170,000.
2023-12-01 22:07:20

US launches 'self-defence' strike on weapons unit in Syria

The facility used by Iran's revolutionary guard was struck in response to attacks on US personnel, officials say.
2023-11-10 21:07:32

Poland sends personnel to Ukraine to repair military equipment

Post Content
2023-10-27 17:13:23

Dozens of children were left behind by UN personnel in Haiti. Their mothers want justice

When Pauline Philippe found out she was pregnant with twins, she felt a flash of happiness. Then she burst into tears in front of the ultrasound technician.
2023-09-16 19:07:15

Pilots see rare weather phenomenon as hurricane hits

Before Hurricane Idalia hit, personnel evacuating a Florida military base saw St Elmo's Fire.
2023-08-30 17:05:05

Ukraine claims Crimea landing for 'special operation' on Independence Day

Kyiv claims Russia suffered personnel losses during a firefight in the annexed peninsula's west.
2023-08-25 02:49:59

Mexico investigates army personnel seen on video appearing to beat and kill suspected cartel members

An investigation has been launched into what Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has described as an "execution," after a video circulating on local media appeared to show Mexican army personnel dragging men in civilian clothing out of a car, beating them, and then engaging in a shootout.
2023-06-08 06:06:13

Valami készül a zaporizzsjai atomerőműnél? ? A Roszatom munkatársai elkezdték elhagyni a létesítményt

Az ukrán katonai hírszerzés (GUR) szerint Oroszország fokozatosan csökkenti a személyzet számát a megszállt zaporizzsjai atomerőműben ? írja a Reuters.
2023-06-30 11:08:30

F1: veszélyben a hétvégi futam, kiürítették az imolai versenypályát

A helyi hatóságok kedden szólították fel a gyorsaságiautós világbajnokság már helyszínen tartózkodó dolgozóit, hogy elővigyázatosságból hagyják el az aszfaltcsíkot. A versenypályán az autók ugyan péntekig nem köröznek, de a csapatok technikusainak már ez előtt fel kellene építeniük az istállók és a szponzorok kiszolgáló épületeit, írta az MTI. F1 personnel were asked to evacuate the Imola paddock today after a severe weather warning was issued in the area ? ESPN F1 (@ESPNF1) May 16, 2023 A helyszínről készült fényképek és videofelvételek tanúsága alapján víz hömpölyög ...
2023-05-16 21:08:45


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